How can I share these resources with colleagues?
The resources are free to share, not to change. To share on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media use these icons.
If you want to put a resource onto your own website then use the embed code. On WordPress sites you will need to enter the code into the ‘text’ tab (rather than the ‘visual’ tab which is the default).
Is this site just for museums and galleries?
The Our Museum initiative focussed on museums and galleries so we refer to them throughout. However there is a range of content applicable to the cultural sector and beyond.
My organisation does not want to change: is this site for me?
You will find resources that strengthen your partnerships and practice and help you connect with other parts of your organisation. You might also find resources that help you advocate for change, both within and outside your organisation.
Why isn’t our work featured?
Most of these resources were captured from funded organisations in the Our Museum initiative or keynote speakers that inspired the group. We also included extracts of recorded conversations with a few practitioners discussing issues that were emerging.
How do I use this site?
The resources all relate to different aspects of organisational change. If you are not sure what a topic title means look for the summary:
- We have organised our resources into five categories and each one has an animated introduction:
Governance and leadership
Staff professional development
Engaging with community partners
Learning and evaluation
- There are different ways to explore. We have created selections for people and groups. Or you might want to enter your own keywords into the search bar.
- If you like what you see, look for further information under Associated Documents.
- Most of the resources are audio-visual. If you don’t have headphones or have access requirements you can switch on subtitles by clicking the closed captions (CC) icon on the video.